Hydrology & Flood

Radiowave Communications Limited provides wide portfolio of services in Hydrology from Data Measurement, Storage and Processing to using of modeling tools to provide the outputs for the needs of Flood and Drought Forecasting and Management and for Land Management.

These complete solutions include manufacturing, installation and service of weather and hydrological stations, complete data management including quality control and providing of SW solutions for creating of hydrological outputs – forecasts of water level, discharge, flood warning information and construction of maps of flood. Company provides consultations, problem analyses and support of hydrological systems too.


Hydrological modeling is an effective tool for simulation of hydrological processes with the fruitful outputs in many fields. Our system is modular-based and enables the user to use one, or multiple platforms to perform the required outputs. MicroStep-MIS fulfils the above mentioned goals by implementing various modeling tools.

  • Complex rainfall – runoff models
  • Models of parts of runoff generation process including specific snow-accumulation – snow melt / runoff models
  • Hydrodynamic (1 - 2D) models
  • Flash – flood modeling tools

Simulations are provided in the form of studies, or in the form of the forecasting and warning system working in the real-time and providing hydrological forecasts to responsible institutions, decision makers and public. Forecasting and warning system uses the real-time measured and forecasted values of precipitation and temperature. Analyses of snow cover and snow-melt processes are included in our systems too.


Hydrological Monitoring

Hydrological portal HYPOS

Hydrological portal HYPOS is a modular system for the processing and presentation of hydrological and meteorological data built on the MicroStep-MIS IMS4 application software platform. The portal integrates data types necessary for the flood warning and forecasting – meteorological and hydrological data, images, results of modeling and station metadata. The portal contains module for visualization of the data – measured as well as modeled, alerting module, and quality control module. The important part of the system is the module for the visualization of the geospatial data.

The environmental database is the main engine providing the data for the flood warning system. The database integrates data and performs regular data quality checks. 
The database integrates the data types such as hydrological data from water level stations, measured hydrological data, hydrological forecasts, metadata of the meteorological stations measured meteorological data, data from the meteorological satellites and radars, data from the meteorological models, geographic data and configurations.

Hydrological Forecasting

The complex network of models is used for the water level and discharge forecast. The variety of models is ranging from simple empirical formulas to rainfall-runoff models with ensemble data sets. The advanced system for models configuration and management is part of the hydrological portal HYPOS. The data visualization and processing is also fully integrated into the portal. Special part of the system is flash flood warning system based on the flash flood guidance method.

Environmental database

The environmental database is the main engine providing the data for the flood warning system. The database integrates data and performs regular data quality checks. The database integrates these data types:

  • Hydrological data from water level stations
  • Measured hydrological data
  • Hydrological forecasts
  • Metadata of the meteorological stations
  • Measured meteorological data
  • Data from the meteorological satellites and radars
  • Data from the meteorological models
  • Geographic data
  • Configurations
Hydrological modeling

The complex network of models is used for the water level and discharge forecast. The variety of models is ranging from simple empirical formulas to rainfall-runoff models with ensemble data sets. The advanced system for models configuration and management is part of the hydrological portal HYPOS. The data visualization and processing is also fully integrated into hydrological portal. Special part of the system is flash flood warning system based on the flash flood guidance method.


With our professional team and quality tools & equipment, we have the capacity to design, develop, install and commission reliable, effective and efficient Weather Monitoring solutions on any scale. Get in touch with us and let us know how we can help you achieve communication efficiency.


We are one of the leading providers of Wireless & Navigation, Voice and Data solutions with over 15 years of experience. We are also the official authorized Garmin Distributor in Tanzania providing innovative and exciting products.


  •   (255) 772 775 775
  •   (255) 687 887 225
  •   (255) 784 531 153
  •   salescentre@radiowave.co.tz
  •   sales@radiowave.co.tz